Corporate Culture:with excellent quality,integrity as the cornerstone of respect for the premise of a cooperative manner to achieve common development.
Integrity as the cornerstone:Integrity is the basic norm and Supreme Goal of “Right”'s operations, it requires to treat each other with all sincerity between employees and customers, employees and the owner, staff and staff, co-build a credible enterprise.
Putting people first:We're a company driven by people. Together we do our best to build the world we want to live in.Employee is a part of “Right", every employee is requested should have team work spirit,The development of company depends on team work.
Collaboration:Rapid development of the company cannot without effective work of each employee,customer's recommendation and complaint Real-time processing, satisfying the needs of the client.
Remarkable quality:We encourage in multiform innovations, make the innovation become the power of the company. Make efforts to build “Right” as an Innovative Enterprise.